Frequently Asked Questions
Bee Mighty provides support and resources to local families before, during and after a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) journey.
Bee Mighty supports the tiniest warriors, providing grants for developmental therapy and equipment to NICU graduates. Bee Mighty uses grant funding to pay providers directly for therapy rendered or equipment purchased, enhancing premature infants’ development and quality of life.
Bee Mighty is a non-profit 501(c)3.
How do you qualify for Bee Mighty funds?
Bee Mighty supports children ages 0-18 who have spent time in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Currently our grants are available to children living within a 60-mile radius of Charlotte, NC.
Did my child have to be a micro preemie?
Bee Mighty was originally founded for babies born under two pounds. However, through our journey, we have identified there are many children that need similar resources that were not micropreemies. We have opened our mission to include any child (full term or premature) that spent time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Is Bee Mighty affiliated with Novant Healthcare Foundation?
No. In 2018, Bee Mighty launched as a 501(c)3, independent from the Novant Healthcare Foundation. Bee Mighty originally launched as a fund in 2012, managed by the Novant Healthcare Foundation. They were a critical partner in the development and success of Bee Mighty. While Novant continues to show their support to Bee Mighty, Bee Mighty currently operates as an independent non-profit, supporting all families currently residing in the surrounding Charlotte area, with children who were once in any NICU.​
Will you support applicants from outside of Charlotte, NC?
Since our founding in 2012, Bee Mighty has funded over 500 babies in and around Charlotte, NC. We are proud to support our local community and surrounding areas of Charlotte. Our hope is to one day be able to support babies in other areas of NC, SC and beyond.
What if my family no longer lives in surrounding Charlotte area?
At this time, Bee Mighty supports local children within our community that need services.
What type of therapy/equipment is supported?
Funding for both traditional and alternative therapy is available through Bee Mighty. Traditional therapy may include: Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy. Alternative therapy may include, but is not limited to: Music therapy, Therapeutic Summer Camps, Anat Baniel Method, Hippotherapy, Acupuncture, and more. Equipment could include monitors and supportive equipment (strollers, wheelchairs, bath chairs, prone sitter, cranial bands, and assistive technology equipment).
Does Bee Mighty recommend a certain therapy?
Bee Mighty does not recommend specific therapies. We feel strongly that your personal team of doctors, therapists and specialists have the wisdom and tools to make these recommendations. We also know every child responds differently to different therapies. We are always updating our Resource Guide that lists a number of contacts and therapies available in Charlotte. Our goal is to provide the resources to you. It will be up to the individual to research to determine if this is a fit for your child. Please feel free to initiate questions (or direct message us) to get a conversation going via social media to gather feedback within the Bee Mighty community.
Does Bee Mighty endorse the therapy and partners mentioned on its’ Facebook page and website?
While Bee Mighty feels strongly about the integrity of the partners we have selected; we do not consider ourselves experts in therapy. Please use our suggestions, partners, Resource Guide and Bee Mighty Facebook page to investigate what works best for your child.
What should I include about our story?
Please include your child’s birth story and medical journey. This can include diagnosis, medical conditions, surgeries, medical recommendations, etc. Please also include your personal story including sacrifices your family has made, financial struggles, changes in lifestyle, etc. Anything you feel will help paint the picture of the changes and challenges your family is going through since having your baby.
How much financial aid is available per family?
Funding varies based on each request. For 2025, there is a max of $1200 per grant.
Will Bee Mighty resources cover power bills, hospital parking, gas, rent, etc?
No. Bee Mighty resources are specifically allocated to therapy and equipment that aid in the development of the child. Bee Mighty will only pay bills that have been submitted by therapists, doctors, service providers or equipment companies. You are welcome to submit your application for review to see if any other resources outside of Bee Mighty may be available or visit our resource page for other funds that offer varying support.
How is a child selected for Bee Mighty funding?
Our goal is to support as many children as we can that are in need of therapy and/or equipment. Once an application has been submitted, a social worker reviews the information and passes along to the Bee Mighty Board to vote. Depending on the funds available at that time, the application is fully funded, partially funded or denied. Please feel free to reapply at any time if denied. Families that are approved can apply once per calendar year.
Why do you need to know household income?
While Bee Mighty is primarily focused on the development of the child, we also consider income to ensure our resources are distributed impartially. To maintain within the parameters of our 501(c)3 we are bound to specific income specifications.
Is there an income cap?
Income is a consideration, as are expenses, length of NICU stay, diagnosis, private insurance coverage, etc. All are weighed on a case by case basis. Please include your personal story with as much detail as you are comfortable with sharing to help us make our decision.
What additional information is needed?
In addition to your application, please submit a letter from your private insurance provider and/or Medicaid stating the therapy is denied or no longer supported from the provider. Once insurance has been exhausted, you qualify for Bee Mighty funding.
What documents are supported from Medicaid?
A letter of denial (provided when applying for Medicaid) or letter stating Medicaid or services have been exhausted.
What documents are supported from private insurance?
Your private insurance should have a statement itemizing the therapy allocated within the plan for one year. You can include this statement showing that your resources have been exhausted. You could also have your insurance company provide a letter on their letterhead stating your deductible has not yet been met, coverage for specific therapies have been exhausted, or are not supported.
Who will see my application?
The Board and Executive Director of Bee Mighty, as well as a trained social worker will see your application. The social worker receives your application and verifies the information. Once approved, your application is forwarded to the board for review. We love the opportunity to highlight success stories. If you are comfortable sharing your story publicly, please acknowledge so in your application, and we will contact you if your application is approved and share your story with others in similar journey.
What if I am applying for a therapy my child has not yet received?
Have your provider submit a letter with the approximation of what the services will cost. Include this letter with your application. Once your application has been approved, you will need to then submit the final bill to Bee Mighty for payment.
How is the payment processed?
Once you have been notified that your application has been approved, please submit your bill(s) obtain an invoice from your provider and submit immediately to Bee Mighty. Bee Mighty pays directly to therapy and/or equipment providers.
Is there an age limit for the children that apply?
Bee Mighty is currently funding children 0-18.
Can we apply more than once?
Yes, if approved for funding, you may apply again the next calendar year.
What do I do if I am willing to share my story and experience with Bee Mighty and how much they have helped our family?
We are delighted to hear your feedback and have a number of opportunities to share your story. Read about our Mighty Bees! Please contact
Who do I contact if I am interested in getting involved with Bee Mighty, volunteering at an event, starting an area chapter or have any additional questions?
Please contact Katie O'Connor at